Documentation Set for Swarm 2.2

Swarm Development Group

Published 09 January 2005
Release 2.1.1

The Swarm home page provides a good introduction to Swarm (what it does and what it aims to be). On the other hand, the The Overview to Swarm aims to give you a more detailed overview of the sorts of things a user needs to do in order to get a simulation up and running in Swarm. The combination of these two documents should help you decide whether Swarm would be a useful tool in the context of your research.

Please direct all questions, bug reports, or suggestions for changes to the Swarm developers (see the Swarm home page for current contact details).

Revision History (set)
Table of Contents
Book I Brief Overview of Swarm
1. Mag 1x: Experimental Procedure in a Computer
2. Mag 2x: Basis of Swarm Computation
3. Mag 3x: Swarm Structures
4. Mag 4x:Sketch of Code
5. Conclusion
Book II Getting Started with Swarm
Book III Reference Guide for Swarm 2.2
Swarm Changes and Compatibility
I. Defobj Library
II. Collections Library
III. Activity Library
IV. Objectbase Library
V. Random Library
VI. Simtools Library
VII. Simtoolsgui Library
VIII. Gui Library
IX. Analysis Library
X. Space Library
XI. Startup protocol
A. GridTurtle Test Programs
B. Library Interface Conventions
C. Licenses for Distribution of Swarm and Applications
Protocol Index
Method Index
Function Index
Global Index
Macro Index
Typedef Index